Baited Breath - from the forthcoming album BLACKGRASS by Shiny Red Nothing


The first single and first track from BLACKGRASS is a blast of punk rock energy and the excitement that comes with seeing your best friend. Check it out wherever you get your music or follow the below links:

Mixing elements of punk, grunge, power pop and even some surf this band reminds me of the Undertones mixed with The Vaselines with maybe a touch of the Pixies. The best part is just how much fun they sound like they are having playing this song, it makes me want to see them live and just watch them take joy in making music together. Love the “ba ba ba” bridge and the tone of the toms when the drummer rides them. The song ends just as I’m really digging it which just makes me play it again and again. it’s like if someone gives you one delicious potato chip, and expects you to not want another even though they damn well know that like giving a mouse a cookie this shit is going to lead to wanting more and more. Well played mother fuckers. Well played.

Check them out on their Spotify or on my Punk Playlist

Follow their socials: Bandcamp, FB, Apple Music, IG and Website
