Baron Von Bluebird & Other new work available!

“Baron Von Bluebird” — J. Strickland; 2020

“The Victorious Baron Von Bluebird” — J. Strickland; 2020

I’ve been laid off for about a month now, and that’s been great for my creative enterprises. I’m developing a superhero board game, writing songs, editing stories, and making pretty pictures too.
The above Baron Von Bluebird pieces were designed for my wife’s bluebird feeder (the painting of which is on my honey-do list). Below we have a pizza space station, which was a scrapped concept for a pizzeria’s t-shirt. These pieces were drawn in pen and ink, then completed digitally. Below that, we have several iterations of a digital painting I made for my wife’s birthday, painstakingly created from two photos I took while we were honeymooning in Paris. Finally, we have a digital painting of the one and only Ms Greta Thunberg in the middle of giving the UN General Assembly a piece of her mind. Links to prints and other merchandise follow.

“In Space, No One Can Hear Your Hunger Pains” — J. Strickland; 2020
“Notre Dame (Black & White)” — J. Strickland; 2020

“Notre Dame” — J. Strickland; 2020

“Heidi In Paris” — J. Strickland; 2020

“How Dare You” — J. Strickland; 2020
